is a research collective.




Climate Conversation with François Bao

JUNE 21, 2021

Sitting together around the table at GTAS in Braunschweig, Tatjana and Christina engage in a fast-paced conversation with François Bao.

What are the similarities of mould to capitalism?
Why would architecture after architecture look at mould in the first place?
And what would it mean for spatial practitioners to reconsider dogmas of growth and expansion?

François Bao is a mycologist based in Braunschweig. He was born in Luxembourg, in “midst of a landscape completely destroyed for and by industrialisation in the 20th century”, as he describes it. This experience led him to study ecology and philosophy to later move on to mycology. He founded the urban gardening concept “Botnik”, where gardening becomes a practice and exchange of mutual learnings.

Podcast final production made by Julius Grambow. 

Running time: 21 minutes